Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Different Kind of March Madness...

Original Post Date: 1st March 2007

Apologies for the NCAA fans who might have strolled into my space....

The madness I am talking about comes once every four years, in the form of World Cup Cricket.

I will be posting some thoughts in the next few weeks on this topic, and will try to invite people who may have smart(er) things to say about what I have said.

With the event starting in around 2 weeks, there is much to be said about the various teams and their chances. There will be an Indian bias to the arguments and hopes posted here, can't really help it.

Here is how I plan to tackle the next couple of months. I will start with postings highlighting each of the following team's chance to win the cup:

1. Australia
2. South Africa
3. New Zealand
4. West Indies
5. Sri Lanka
6. Pakistan
7. England and finally
8. India

OK---before you jump all over me to find out the order, it is in the order of highest chance to the least, except for India of course....and at the risk of being politically incorrect, the other teams do not deserve a mention.

By the end of the series, we will see where we can place India in the list.....
Will be more than glad to incorporate comments.

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